

Avalara/ MyLodgeTax is an automated tax solution for short-term owners and property managers. It helps manage and comply with short-term rental regulations, filing of licenses and permits, and renewals.

Pricing Pricing tiered by number of property

MyLodgeTax (1-5 properties)
$27/month per property
MyLodgeTax Pro (6+ properties)
$39/month per property


Licensing and Permits

  • Offers processing of:
    • Lodging licenses
    • Permits
    • Renewals
  • Identifies multiple state and local tax agencies.
  • Annually applies, maintains, and renews tax licenses and permits on your behalf.

Consolidate Data

  • Offers quick and simple input of revenue.
  • Consolidates all revenue information in one place.

Calculate Rates

  • Monitors new tax rules and rates for:
    • City
    • County
    • City jurisdiction
  • Determines portions of lodging tax responsibility.

Process Returns

  • It automates your lodging tax returns based on your monthly transaction data.
  • Prepares, submits, and remits lodging tax following jurisdictional deadlines.
  • Allows you to access your lodging and tax filing history.

Integrations/ partners:

  • Vrbo
  • Evolve vacation rental
  • Turnkey
  • HomeAway
  • BookingPal
  • Rental Advisor

Mobile App – None

Customer Service

  • Email
  • Chat support
  • Phone
  • Webinar series

Other Features:

  • Also offers hospitality tax solutions for hotels and large property owners


  • Taking care of monthly tax filings can feel like a burden and nuisance - especially as you scale.  Avalara taxes get it off your plate so you can focus on other things.
  • Assistance with licensing, permits, and renewals is another task most STR professionals don't relish and will happily pass off to Avalara.
  • Avalara can handle the tax issues surrounding tax payments made on your behalf by OTAs.


  • Avalara does not integrate with property management software.  You will still need to log into the online travel agencies or your PMS, export your revenue data, and import it into MyLodgeTax platform.

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