Marketing Tool Comparisons

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Bluetent is a digital agency with 18 years of experience serving the vacation rental industry. It’s a full-service digital marketing agency offering custom web development, SEO, digital advertising, email marketing, social media, and online strategy.


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    Individual Self-Managing Property Owners – 

    Property Managers and Co-hosts – 

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TrustYou is an all-in-one guest experience solution for hospitality to help you manage guest surveys, improve your reputation, and increase revenue. With a team of more than160 feedback experts, TrustYou help hosts to understand, collect, and share feedback to gain valuable insights. Turning guest’s negative experience into positive ones.


  • Recommended for the Following

    Individual Self-Managing Property Owners – 

    Property Managers and Co-hosts – 

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ICND is an award-winning web development and digital marketing team that specializes in vacation rentals and real estate companies. Since 1999, InterCoastal Net Designs (ICND) has been offering a wide array of web-related services, including web design, development, business automation tools, and full-service digital marketing.


  • Recommended for the Following

    Individual Self-Managing Property Owners – 

    Property Managers and Co-hosts – 

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TechSpokes is a Hawaii-based company that offers vacation rental software, website, and marketing solution for hosts and property managers. TechSpokes helps optimized and increase direct bookings by simplifying the reservation process with superior, easy-to-use availability calendars, and booking engines.


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RealTech Webmaster provides technology and marketing solutions for vacation rental hosts and property managers in the US and Canada. They offer custom websites and seamless integrations with major property management software providers to level up your business and earn more direct bookings.


  • Recommended for the Following

    Individual Self-Managing Property Owners – 

    Property Managers and Co-hosts – 

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Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing service that helps vacation rental hosts to reach, engage, and convert more customers. With Mailchimp, hosts can deliver relevant messages to guests based on who they are and how they interact with your business. shows you ways to get more engagement and revenue.


  • Recommended for the Following

    Individual Self-Managing Property Owners – 

    Property Managers and Co-hosts – 

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