Where Smart Property Mangagers and Hosts Find the Right Tools For Their STR Business.


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Side by side comparisons of companies and products.


Confidently decide which companies and tools are right for your business.

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Let us do the research so you can focus on hospitality.

As a smart host you need to run your business like a pro. With so many options it’s hard to know which solutions are right for you. We’re here to help. We’ve researched the companies and the products that serve short term rental hosts and managers. Here you’ll find all the information you need to make the right decisions for your business efficiently and with confidence.

Categories to Explore

Property Management Software

Accounting Solutions

Digital Guides

Online Travel Agencies

Guest Vetting


Property Insurance

Smart Home Solutions

Marketing Tools

Smart Locks

Dynamic Pricing Tools

Market Intelligence and Data Analytics

Channel Managers


Cleaning and Property Care

Noise Monitoring

STR Associations

Supplies & Furnishings

Guest Messaging

Why Trust Us

We don’t cherry pick the companies we research and write about.

We seek readers input with the Write a
Review feature. Everyone wins when more people join the conversation.

We’re STR owners too. Our goal is to see you
succeed and to strengthen the STR industry as a whole.

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